Tagged: temple

The Midnight Prayer

1) How precious it is to rise at midnight in order to pray and meditate and study Torah. Try to make it a regular practice. Then you will be worthy of succeeding in the...

With The Nations |Yitzchok Meir

Jerusalem-based musician Yitzchok Meir Malek gets divinely personal on his debut album. | Jerusalem Post With The Nations |Yitzchok Meir A talented artist sings about the nations coming to gather with Israel to build...

The Tabernacle becoming a Temple

By William J Jackson At Mount Sinai G-d appeared to the Israelites with shock and awe “…thunder claps and lightning flashes, and a thick cloud..” (Exodus19:16). This must have been so intimidating and yet...

Secrets of the Future Temple

Discover the “Secrets of the Future Temple” by Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto translated by Rabbi Abraham Greenbaum. This video by Rabbi Greenbaum discusses how he came upon this great insight to the future temple....

Free Will Offering

We discover in the scripture that God ask for a free will offering to help build the wilderness tabernacle. A world wide phenomena is taken place.  People of all nations as quietly bringing there wealth to Israel...

The Big Idea: Rabbi Abraham

Rabbi Abraham shares the big idea on JINSIDER.  He tells about finding a book by the late Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto during the early stage of his spiritual journey.  It totally blew my mind, according to Rabbi...