Tagged: soul

Consider Your Intuition

In my experience, I have discovered two types of intuition.  One occurs when your mind tries to put new information into an understandable category.  It pays attention to patterns and the absence of patterns....

The Anatomy of the Soul | Part One

By William J Jackson – www.netivnorthwestarkansas.wordpress.com (Northwest Arkansas) The “nephesh” piece of our souls is the simplest part (*part 1).  It is considered the seat of desire, appetites, emotions and passions (1).  Conversly the...

Anatomy of the Soul | Part Three

By William J Jackson – www.netivnorthwestarkansas.wordpress.com (Northwest Arkansas) The “ruach” in relation to our soul is the spirit of G-d. Another way of saying this is that it’s G-d’s influence on us. The human...

Nourishing The Soul

How important is it for us to nourish our soul? Man cannot live by bread alone but every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of G-D. True life comes the divine essence. The...

Will and Desire

The soul of the Jew is actually formed through the yearning and desire which he feels for God and his good intentions to serve Him. No matter what his level, each individual has a...