The Essence of Chanukah, Rabbi Mendel Kessin, 5777 By R’ Mendel Kessin Given Chanukah 5777/2017

Who is Rabbi Kessin? 

  • Rabbi Mendel Kessin got S’michah by Rabbi Moshe Feinstein. R’ Mendel was also very close to Rav Chaim Friedlander Zatza”l, and helped with the publication of his Sifrei Haramchal (green collection).
  • He has a PhD in Psychology from Fordham University in NY and runs a private practice in Brooklyn and Lakewood.
  • Rabbi Kessin is an internationally known lecturer and educator that has spoken extensively throughout the world including the United States, Europe, South Africa, Canada and Israel among other places on Hashkafa, Learning Methodology and Shmiras Haloshon with emphasis on the writings of R’ Moshe Chaim Luzzatto (Ramchal).
  • The Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation was started as a result of being inspired by one of R’ Mendel’s Loshon Horah Shiurim.
  • R’ Mendel was also the featured speaker at one of the first Tisha Beav video events. People still remember that lecture that was distributed on 200,000 tapes!
  • Rabbi Kessin is also one of the few teachers that lectures extensively on the learning methodology of the Ramchal which allows a person to significantly improve his understanding of Gemara, Mishna and Halacha.
  • The learning methodology advanced by R’ Mendel is based on several of the Ramchal’s Seforim, and is an amazing tool to analyze, structure and synthesize any Limud. It’s impossible to overstate the benefits of this efficient way of learning and remembering for our generation.
  • Rabbi Kessin has never faced Internet directly, and is not planning to change this practice, in fact he probably doesn’t know how Internet looks like, so in case you would like to get in touch with him, just request his phone number by emailing to the address below…

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