Lot | The Biggest Loser in The Torah
Lot was the son of Haran, grandson of Terah, and nephew of Abraham. He was born in Ur of the Chaldeans, a Sumerian city in the Euphrates valley, near the head of the Persian...
Lot was the son of Haran, grandson of Terah, and nephew of Abraham. He was born in Ur of the Chaldeans, a Sumerian city in the Euphrates valley, near the head of the Persian...
Chapter One Historical Overview The code of Divine Law that we now know as the Seven Commandments of the Children of Noah has been with mankind since the creation of the first man, Adam....
Introduction The Path of the Righteous Gentile is published with full permission from the Author Rabbi Chaim Clorfene. This book is out of print and is now available to view and read online here on...
Chaim Clorfene | Hakhel 5776 Chaim Clorfene talks about the new year 5776, the year of Hakhel and the year of the Ger. Hakhel is the mitzvah where all the people of Israel, including...
Idol Worship and the Ger Toshav — Rabbi Chaim Clorfene provides a comprehensive overview on the issue of idol worship. Declaring that belief in the One God blessed be he, is a mandate for...
Rabbi Clorfene rants and raves about those who criticizes “The World of the Ger” book but have not read it. If you have not ordered you copy you can order it here. CLICK HERE